Customized SMART-Cyber Action Plan

You must have a plan with a strategy of continuously improving your cyber-security profile to meet todays ever-evolving cyber security challenges.

This plan needs to align your executive governance administrative and technical resources/activities to your plan/strategies. Aligns Your Executive Governance, Administrative and Technical Activities with Regulatory and Insurance Requirements and/or Considerations To Guard Against A Cyber Disruption Of Service.

S-CAP aligns your team members by using easy to use, easy to understand Cyber Action Plan so adoption is immediate, we make it even easier by taking the tech talk out of the language so everyone can understand and be on same page in support of your cyber plan and strategy.

SMART- Cyber Action Plan supports you continuously improving your cyber readiness to keep an incident from becoming a disaster.

S-CAP Strategy


Verify and document compliance with Insurance requirements

This is to best position you for favorable insurance renewal terms AND to be sure you are in compliance if a claim is required In the industry a common phase is "it is not if but when" you will be subject to a cyber/attack, which speaks about the ever-evolving challenges of keeping your network and your people secure in their practices.

It is critically important to be ready to respond to keep a cyber-incident from becoming a "disruption of critical services disaster" which is when the ransomware and Organization response cost and time goes up exponentially.

This is why our S-CAP prioritizes doing everything you can as SMART as you can to be ready to respond and keep an incident from becoming a disaster. Alignment with regulatory controls, for which the National Institute of standards cyber security framework is the gold standard….and other Regulatory Compliance standards.

As government regulations evolve and potential government monetary support becomes available, it will be based on NIST-CSF so S-CAP aligns all activities to this standard so you are in the best position to meet government standards and potentially qualify for monetary support.


Prioritized Cyber Control Requirements & Best Practices

In this phase, we meet with your technical/ IT teams to obtain the information needed to assess technical gaps and risks. This National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Cybersecurity Framework-based workshop assesses areas of security in a broad-based evaluation resulting in a baseline from which we create your cybersecurity strategy matrix.

The NIST Cybersecurity Framework


Vendor Solutions Recommendations

Our Cyber Risk Assessment includes a series of vulnerability scans. These scans help to identify risks such as vulnerabilities, server misconfigurations, and sensitive data exposures, all of which provide us with the information essential to developing your cybersecurity strategy.


Maintenance to Support Solutions implemented

This score is a baseline that helps establish your organization’s current level of cybersecurity. It allows the ResoluteGuard team to create a cybersecurity strategy that leverages your current information technology investments to best optimize the balance of cost and risk.


Comprehensive Internal & External Risk Profile Assessments

Each deliverable includes a description of findings including recommendations on how to remediate these issues. It focuses on your top risks and prioritizes findings by cost, effort, impact, and probability of risk.


Continuous, monthly, quarterly, semi-annual, annual scans

A cyber risk assessment has great value when it provides actionable steps to remediate issues. ResoluteGuard provides you with a cybersecurity strategy you can execute on the next day. Since ResoluteGuard is an independent firm, we only recommend the controls you need.


Key to the platform

A cyber risk assessment has great value when it provides actionable steps to remediate issues. ResoluteGuard provides you with a cybersecurity strategy you can execute on the next day. Since ResoluteGuard is an independent firm, we only recommend the controls you need.

Specifically, compliance frameworks include:

National Institute of Standards and Technology’s (NIST) Cyber Security Framework (CSF). The Framework integrates industry standards and best practices to help organizations manage their cybersecurity risks.
HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) legislates how companies should handle and secure personal medical information. HIPAA compliance requires organizations who manage this kind of information, to do so safely. Title 2 is the section that applies to information privacy and security. Initially, HIPAA aimed to standardize how the health insurance industry processed and shared data. It has now added provisions to manage electronic breaches of this information as well.
The New Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) was created to ultimately inject more defense contractor accountability into the protection and privacy of sensitive government contract information. The Interim Rule kicked in on Nov. 30, 2020 with tough new requirements for all new and renewing contracts.
The Sarbanes-Oxley Act (also called SOX) applies to the corporate care and maintenance of financial data of public companies. It defines what data must be kept and for how long it needs to be held. It also outlines controls for the destruction, falsification, and alteration of data. SOX attempts to improve corporate responsibility and add culpability. The act states that upper management must certify the accuracy of their data. All public companies must comply with SOX and its requirements for financial reporting. Classifying data correctly, storing it safely, and finding it quickly are critical elements of its framework.
PCI DSS compliance is the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard created by a group of companies who wanted to standardize how they guarded consumers’ financial information. Requirements that are part of the standard are: A secured network Protected user data Strong access controls and management Network tests Regular reviews of Information Security Policies
SOC Reports
SOC Reports are Service Organization Control Reports that deal with managing financial or personal information at a company. There are three different SOC Reports. SOC 1 and SOC 2 are different types with SOC 1 applying to financial information controls, while SOC 2 compliance and certification covers personal user information. SOC 3 Reports are publicly accessible, so they do not include confidential information about the company. These reports apply for a specific period, and new reports consider any earlier findings. The American Institute for Chartered Public Accountants (AICPA) defined them as part of SSAE 18.
ISO 27000 Family
The ISO 27000 family of standards outlines minimum requirements for securing information. As part of the International Organization for Standardization’s body of standards, it determines the way the industry develops Information Security Management Systems (ISMS). Compliance comes in the form of a certificate. More than a dozen different standards make up the ISO 27000 family.
General Data Protection Regulation is a law passed by the European Union that all country states and the UK have agreed to adhere to. Any company that processes or retains European citizen data is subject to enforcement. The data could be in the form of email addresses in a marketing list or the IP addresses of those who visit your website.
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Moonkle LTD,
Moonkle LTD,
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"Very well thought out and articulate communication. Clear milestones, deadlines and fast work. Patience. Infinite patience. No shortcuts. Even if the client is being careless. The best part...always solving problems with great original ideas!."
Manager of Company
"Patience. Infinite patience. No shortcuts. Very well thought out and articulate communication. Clear milestones, deadlines and fast work. Even if the client is being careless. The best part...always solving problems with great original ideas!."
Moonkle LTD,
Moonkle LTD,
Client of Company
"Very well thought out and articulate communication. Clear milestones, deadlines and fast work. Patience. Infinite patience. No shortcuts. Even if the client is being careless. The best part...always solving problems with great original ideas!."
Manager of Company
"Patience. Infinite patience. No shortcuts. Very well thought out and articulate communication. Clear milestones, deadlines and fast work. Even if the client is being careless. The best part...always solving problems with great original ideas!."