network security

Revoking Local Admin Access Can Keep Your School’s Network Secure

Revoking local admin access on school networks is a crucial step in enhancing cybersecurity. Here are several key reasons why this practice can significantly improve the security of your school’s network:   Reduction in Malware and Ransomware Risks Local admin access allows users to install software, including malicious programs. By limiting this access, you reduce […]

network security

How Should Schools Test Their Computer and Server Backups?

Testing computer and server backups in schools is essential to ensure data integrity and recoverability. Regular verification of backups is a crucial first step. Schools should schedule routine checks to confirm backups are completing successfully without errors, utilizing both automated reports from backup software and periodic manual reviews. Conducting regular test restorations is equally important, […]

network security

Why and How Schools Should Update Their Password Requirements

Updating password requirements in schools is crucial to enhance security, protect sensitive information, and comply with evolving cybersecurity standards. Schools are increasingly becoming targets for cyber attacks, including data breaches, phishing scams, and ransomware. Hackers often exploit weak passwords to gain access to systems containing sensitive student and staff information. Ensuring this data is protected […]

network security

How to Keep Your Public Entity Network Safe and Secure

To keep a public entity network safe and secure, it’s essential to implement a comprehensive cybersecurity strategy. Start by conducting regular risk assessments to identify potential vulnerabilities and threats. This helps in understanding the current security posture and prioritizing necessary security measures. Ensuring strong access controls is crucial, so restrict network and data access to […]

network security

How To Securely Manage Third Party Access to Your Network

Managing third-party access to your network securely is crucial to protecting sensitive data and maintaining the integrity of your systems. Start by establishing clear policies and agreements. Define access policies by specifying the scope of access required for third parties, including the specific systems, data, and network segments they can access. Apply the principle of […]

network security

How To Protect All Computers and Devices on Your Network

Protecting all computers and devices on your network requires a multi-layered approach to security. Here are several steps to help secure your network: Secure Your Network Change Default Router Passwords: Replace default router passwords with strong, unique passwords. Enable WPA3 Encryption: Ensure your Wi-Fi is secured with WPA3 encryption. If not available, use WPA2. Use […]